Monday, October 13, 2008

UFOs - Sort of

I'm not sure if these are UFOs. I sort of think of UFOs as things you cut out or start sewing but never finish. These are things I have planned to do but never got around to it. So these are PUFOs or something. I think I'll call them puff-os.

First up, Kwik Sew 2561 (review at for my husband. I bought the random assortment of sweatshirt fabric from Wazoodle forever ago and made up sweatshirts and a hoodie for my husband. I've been meaning to do this last one forever. Finally got 'er done. Changed the sleeves on this version because he didn't like the cuffs. Your welcome, honey.

I had enough extra to make a little pair of pants for my girls. These are a little long but they will be perfect for winter.

Next up, recylcing a skirt. I loved this Geoffrey Beane skirt when I bought it years ago but I never wear it. It is a true wrap skirt so it's a bit scary to wear to work. It's a little tight on the waist and it is really long. The waist to hip curve isn't quite right for me either. But I love the fabric.

Here is a close-up of the fabric.

This is BWOF 10/08 #103. It is a pretty simple skirt and it will be perfect with this flowy fabric. I may have to reduce a pleat or two because the fabric is not that wide. I may actually have to piece the back to get it to work but I hope not.

This all came about because I cleaned out my sewing space and got rid of three, count 'em, three kitchen-bag sized bags of debris (I generate a lot of fabric scraps with my Cabin Baby business). I realized that I have quite a bit of fabric in flat stage that I need to sew up. See, it's not really UFOs but all of it has plans.


  1. I think I'm going to make my Friday poll about UFOs. Speaking of, where do you stand on your coat? Probably still way ahead of me....

  2. Dawn, are you ever smart! I was just cleaning out my closet and came across a wrap skirt that's out of style but the material is perfectly good. I've also been admiring that skirt pattern from the Oct. BWOF. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. I think my puff-o's are OUT OF CONTROL!! :P


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