Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Back in Time

On Saturday, December 29, 2007 I wrote:
New Year's Resolutions
I resolve to:

  1. Take better care of myself during the two on. Can't be an effective parent/person without this. No more "no dinner" for me. ---I did well on this goal. When my husband starting working two on, two off it was hard for me to manage my children, my full-time job, my side-business. I got tired and burned out and then I got sick. Doing all that when you are sick is no good. I have managed to figure it all out and now the kids and I do a much better job of managing things while my husband is gone.
  2. Take better care of my children during the two on. ---Ditto the answer to number one. When I feel better; my children feel better because I'm a better parent.
  3. Buy fabric wisely. Stop just buying the Bold and Beautiful. Buy some sensible fabric too. ---Yeah, I stopped buying just crazy knit prints but now I just buy, buy, buy!! But, it is nice stuff.
  4. Stop buying patterns that I don't use. Get TNT patterns for all the basics. (Work Pants: check, t-shirt: check, skirt: not yet, suit jacket or some dressier top: nope, A Couple of Fun Casual Tops: not yet.) ---Since I discovered BWOF, I now have lots of TNT things. I am still working on my wonky shoulders/bust area. Once I figure that out, I'll be golden.
  5. Four is enough. ---Apparently I have to be more detailed in my resolutions because I have no idea what the hell this one is about. I don't have four kids so it can't be that. I don't have four sewing machines so it isn't that. Hmmmm. I guess I really worked hard on this goal eh?
    Posted by Dawn at 4:37 PM

So, overall, I don't think I did too badly. I figured out a lot in a year. I'll be posting my resolutions for this year in a couple of days.

This bottom section is for Angie because she asked about the Glencheck. I plan to make this dress from BWOF 12/2008.

The line drawing? Meh. The model photo? Love it. I'll have to score a good belt to go with this dress. Below is the fabric from Gorgeous Fabrics.


  1. Happy New Year!

    I love reading your blog and seeing what you have sewn.

    I think the Four is enough refers to the 4 resolution you listed; ie, that 4 resolutions for 2008 was enough.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. That dress looks perfect for your slim figure. Good luck with it; I think it will be a winner.

  3. Great resolutions. I remember when my twins were born, joining a 4 yo and 7 yo sister. My husband worked crazy, long hours, you are right to take care of yourself, makes it all better.

    Can't wait to see that dress on you.

  4. FINALLY. $!@#$ blogger wouldn't let me comment!

    That dress is going to be SO fabulous on your teeny tiny cute little figure. PERFECT design choice for the glencheck.

  5. I love that dress. I was thinking about making it for myself, but will wait for your review, and maybe for winter as well!


Disqus seems to be eating my comments, so it's back to Blogger commenting!! I do love your comments and enjoy every one of them!