Sunday, December 14, 2008

Kwik Sew 3658 Top or Dress

This pattern is going to be a gift so I wanted to try it out first. I'm glad I did. It's short!! This is unhemmed and you can see the cuffs barely go to my wrists and the bottom hem is about where it should be. I'm not sure what I'll do. Maybe I'll try a knit binding on the finished edges? I did a zigzag but this sweater knits likes to fray. If I make this again, I'll be adding inches to the bottom and arms.

Here's a bad picture of the back. I love this type of collar. I didn't realize it until I got home but this Jalie pattern is a dead ringer. I've made the Jalie pattern about eight times.

Side neck shot.

It's okay but I may stick with the Jalie pattern instead.


  1. Yeah, I always have to add about 3-4 inches to the length of KS tops to make them fashionable.

  2. Really nice. I made the Jalie one too and it is very comfortable. Love the color of your fabric.


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