Sunday, January 4, 2009

F-ing Cold SWAP

In the spirit of Murphy's Law (and SWAP), I will be concentrating all my efforts on making warm clothing until our temperatures reach normal "highs". I'm hoping that as I make each warm garment, the temperature will go up a bit. I completed the first in the series tonight. It's an oldy but goody. It's from the 11-2006 BWOF. I will be reviewing it tomorrow. The others are from the December and January BWOF magazines. I will be working on the second jacket next but I want to do it right so I'm going to {{shudder}} make a muslin and work out the shoulder problems before I make it in the fashion fabric. Notice that there are no dresses on this list. I am saying NO! to dresses until it gets a bit warmer. I'm a bit worried because February is usually our coldest month. Yikes.

Wish me luck!!


  1. What a great idea! i love the shirt. It is such a cute pattern. I can't wait to see the jackets.

    On the news they said that we have a few more days of this cold. It should be up past zero toward the end of the week. Yeah!!!

  2. I've been practically living in that top since I made it recently, I'll definitely be making it again - yours looks great. Hope it warms up for you soon....

  3. Really cute top. I'm looking forward to seeing the other pieces.

  4. Looks like you're off to a good start! Love the top... Stay warm!

  5. Love the top, love the name of the SWAP!

  6. Keep warm! Love to see your muslin as I am trying to do them to...

  7. Looks like a great plan and I like your shirt. Keep warm.

  8. I cannot fathom that kind of cold. Truly. Just, cannot fathom.

  9. Great theme for a SWAP, and I hope Murphy's law kicks in for you!

  10. That is an excellent name for a SWAP. `-) You're very dedicated, muslining a jacket. Hopefully your invocation of Murphy's Law will do the trick.

  11. I really love that zipper jacket and was bummed it's only in petite sizes. Good luck with it.

  12. Your shirt looks great! What kind of fabric did you use?

    Hope you stay warm!

  13. hurrah! It's been unnaturally cold here, too, for the past three weeks! It's really awful, but it's given me a push to finally finish my winter coat from the sew along!

    And I'm SO pleased you made that top pattern! It's one of my all time favourites and I've made it SO many times! It's also been reprinted as Burda 7890, fyi!

  14. I loved that 12-08 zippered jacket when I saw it, but I've been afraid to try to un-petite it... I can't wait to see yours ;)

  15. I'm another one who cannot fathom that kinda cold. Can you go outside at all? Good luck with the jacket fitting process!

  16. hehe, and I was whining today because it was 34 deg. :D :D :D


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