Thursday, January 15, 2009

He's Crafty

How cool is my dad? He's a wood worker and used to be a cabinet-maker and carpenter. A while ago we were talking about "trading skills." I would make him some warm motorcycle pants and he would make me some wooden presser tools. Well, he still hasn't gotten me his measurements but look at these!! The clapper is made from Purpleheart which is an extremely dense heartwood. When its cut it changes from a chocolate brown to a dark, rich brownish-purple color. It's beautiful wood. The presser board is made of Ash. Both are unfinished. He didn't want to have the potential for varnish to stain my fabric. They are both smooth and highly sanded so as not to snag fabric.

This clapper had grooves in the sides for easy handling.

My dad said that he made a template for himself so any modifications can be done easily to the next set he makes me. Did you catch that? "The next set he makes me." He's awesome. I just wish that he would send me the damn measurements so I could fufill my part of the skills swap. I've never used one of these before but I think it may have to be pointier so the collar can slip on it a bit easier.


  1. What a great dad! I love the purpleheart wood. I did buy a presser off of ebay and mine does have a narrower point to it. (Of course it poked out of the shipping box and got dull.) BTW, I love your purple shirt with the lime green snaps!

  2. In a million years my dad couldn't come up with that. Very cool. Mine is a bit pointier, but not by much. I'm trying to remember the last time I did a shirt on it. I'm not sure how much of an impact the pointiness has. I also think the top part is longer. But, what you have is going to work out great!

  3. Yes, your Dad is incredibly cool.

  4. I was hoping to get my FIL to make me a set, but I couldn't find the correct measurements anywhere for him to work from. What a great gift, you're so lucky!

  5. OMG my grandfather and I did a crafty swap, too! He's got a community wood shop in their retirement village and he just makes stuff all day long. A few years ago I took some photos and measurements of some wooden purse handles and a few months later, I had about 6 pairs of them in the post! Maybe crafting does run in our family after all...

  6. What beautiful pressing tools! The wood is so beautiful. You will treasure them. You are correct, the point presser is usually narrower and pointier... think of pressing the seam inside a pointed collar. But as Cidell has said, these will work out great for you.


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