Saturday, January 31, 2009

If I stop responding to email . . .

. . . it's because Mt. ReDoubt erupted. When it erupted last time it send ash miles into the air. That ash made its to Anchorage and it also made its way into four jet engines that were carrying 231 passengers. All four engines died. They were able to restart the engines and landed here in Anchorage. Bad timing.

Here in Anchorage, the ash will settle on everything. Your first line of offense is to lock yourself in your house and seal off any leaky/venting areas. They say three days is enough to let the ash settle out a little bit. Did you get that? Three days in your house. No going out. Kids in the house with you. Yikes. I might go a little crazy. All electronic equipment with fans is supposed to be shut off. So that means no computers. We will buy dust masks to protect our lungs and perhaps goggles for the ash. My husband was here for the last eruption. He says its not a big deal but he's a guy. He could cut off his finger and say, "No big deal."

I guess she belched a lot of steam yesterday afternoon but no ash.


  1. Yikes! I guess you will REALLY be ready for a trip to Hawaii!!!

    Stay safe!

  2. I feel for you...I lived close to Mt. St. Helens when she blew. It was not fun dealing with all that ash! Hope your Hawaiian vacation is volcano free! Mary

  3. OMG, you poor thing! Talk about cabin fever. Next time I complain about weather in Boston, remind me that at least I don't have to deal with a volcano. Time to get outta Dodge and head to Hawaii!

  4. How crazy ironic is it that you get a volcano eruption at HOME rather on an island made FROM a volcano?? :D Stay safe (& sane!)

  5. I was living in Alaska when Mt. Spurr erupted (1992.) and Wally Hickle (I think?) who told us we should "drive around" to get the ash off the roads!

  6. Yikes! I'll keep you and your family in mind when I hear any news (hopefully we will hear ''nothing").

  7. I was thinking of you when I heard about ReDoubt... good luck with all that. The ash, too ;)

  8. Let's hope that everyone will be safe. I almost forgot that you are in Alaska. Love your bathing suits and they look nice on you.

  9. Gosh, DH and I agreed that is so weird looking. Kind of like a nuclear blast.


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