Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wow. That's Amazing

Redoubt Eruption March 27 2009 from Bretwood Higman on Vimeo.

Check out this awesome video. He's much closer to the volcano than I am. It's a time lapse video.

Things are okay here. The ash has stopped falling at my house. I need to go brush off the cars and steps but haven't found the masks yet. We use the same kind of masks that you use when you are removing insulation. Just the white ones to block the ash. Hopefully there won't be any more explosions because my husband is supposed to fly in tonight. Flights have been cancelled on and off for a couple of days now.


  1. I didn't know that there were volcanos in Alaska...amazing what you learn on a sewing blog. Re your latest top, I think the shape and lower cut is great on you. To be frank its the colour that is a bit wrong for your fair skin. Otherwise go girl!

  2. Wow I can't imagine that happening! Be careful about not breathing that stuff into your lungs!!

  3. Thanks for sharing that! I was living in Anchorage when Mt. Spurr erupted. Ash is no fun!

  4. Glad you're okay, and I hope your hubby makes it in with no problems. The top looks great- I think it looks good on you!

  5. I am happy you are okay. I have a cousin who lived in Alaska for awhile and he experienced the falling ash of a volcano.


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