Thursday, June 25, 2009

I'm gonna tan me a cow . . Burda #151 Leather Obi Belt

My first foray into leather was a big honking success (I think). I'm glad I did something simple with few seams and easy construction. I bought this red leather at a local beading place called Black Elk Beads and Leather. Alaska has a large population of Alaska Natives who do beadwork. This shop carries leathers, beads, thread, buckles, embellishments, and the like. They also have things like seal skin, sinew, leather crafting materials, and fur. This is not a place for the sensitive animal-lover.

Anyhoo, this is BWOF 06/09 #151. Cidell already did a review of this pattern using fabric. I have wanted to try leather for a while and thought this would be the perfect pattern for it. I did follow Cidell's advice and look closely at the length of the belt. Like her, I realized that the belt would be too long. I took a good 2" out of the center of the belt and 2" out of the angled "side" piece. That's a total of 8" because these pieces were either on the fold or doubled. I also reduced the length of the ties from 35" to 22". Those would be some loooong straps. I do think you need to be careful about how much you take off total. The front should wrap around to the sides and the "side pieces" should overlap at the back so you get that great overlap effect.


The back with the overlap is my favorite part. There is an opening in the side to allow the strap to come through. It's kinda like a wrap dress.


I really like the combination with this black dress. It's from BWOF 11/2008 I want to make a berry floral print dress and wear the red belt with that also.


Here's the side. You can see the opening in the seam to allow the strap to come through. You can tell I could have shortened it a tad more. I topstitched all the seams to help them lie flat. That and I like the look of the topstitching on the leather.


My leather sewing friends. I should have added the rolling leather foot I have. My friend gave me a Necchi machine a few months ago and it came with a leather rolling foot. I used Coats and Clark Heavy Duty thread. For the topstitching I pulled all the threads to the back and tied the thread off. For extra assurance, I used Fraycheck on the seams.


Here's the inside seam with the opening.


Here's the non-opening side seam.


Now, I'll have to make something to wear with this rockin' belt.


  1. Awesome. I love it. I really want to sew something in leather. Wish I had the tiny waist to pull that one off! Wear it everywhere.

  2. What a beautiful belt! You look awesome in it!

  3. Nice belt, looks like your working with fairly soft leather. Love the shoes.

  4. That looks wonderful! Thank you for the detailed review. I bought some leather skins earlier and this belt is starting to look like a good idea.

  5. this SO great! i just love it.

  6. You got the sizing down just right. Very nice!

  7. I'm one of your silent blog followers. This looks great. I used to live in AK and actually graduated from Bartlett. Black Elk was one of my favorite stores. To be so small, they are packed with so many interesting things. I have been collecting leather coats from thrift stores and one of them is going to have to be "obi-fied"!

  8. Great as always!! Could you stop doing the tiny waist thing though?! The belt makes you look even SMALLER!! NOT FAIR!! :)

  9. That looks great! Very professional. I love your son's jacket, too.

  10. What a great accessory to add to your wardrobe! You did a wonderful job on your first leather effort. That store sounds really fun.

  11. Excellent. Looks great with the dress.

  12. This is amazing! Now I want one too! Very nice - now you need a kimono dress to go with it

  13. Love it. The back of the obi looks nice too!

  14. That belt is SO AWESOME! Of course I didn't buy that BWOF, but I bet I could draft a pattern for one easily enough...

  15. What a great accessory to have in you wardrobe. Fantastic color.

  16. Your first time with leather looks amazing. What a cute belt. It makes the dress so adorable.

  17. Wow, so super sharp! How big was your leather piece that you started with? Love it with that dress!

  18. HOT! Love it with the black dress.

  19. Fabulous!!!! If I ever get up to AK I am definitely going to make a stop at Black Elk.

  20. The belt looks fantastic --- looks better than a similar one I saw in NY that cost over $200! I especially love the color you chose. Thank you for your detailed review as well --- I've never sewn with leather but have been wanting to give it a try.

  21. Wow! That is one fabulous belt. In red and in leather - an amazing combination. I'm so pleased I've got this issue of BWOF. Your black dress inspired me to buy BWOF for the first time and then hunt down that issue on ebay. I haven't made it yet but it's definitely on my 'glam dress - to do' pile. Well done!

  22. Wow!!!
    I'm delurking to say that that is one GREAT job you made. Love it

  23. Wah!!! I had a friend who came back from Anchorage YESTERDAY. Sigh. It looks lovely and you did a terrific job.

  24. I absolutely love it!!!

  25. Fabulous belt!!! I didn't give it a second glance in my Burda mag. One of the black hides I purchased to make chaps may just have to become an obi belt.

  26. This is one great looking obi. Great idea to make it out of leather. Makes me want to go hunt down my nearest leather supplier!

  27. Fabulous! Color! Construction! May have to try this with the lonely pig suede (blue) languishing in my stash.

  28. That is too cute! It totally transforms the dress.

  29. Oh my, that's just about the most gorgeous belt I've ever seen.

    It (and you) look amazing.

  30. Lovely belt; Just absolutely lovely!

  31. You amaze me with how much you get done! And this is fabulous - well done.

  32. I love that belt!!! It looks fabulous. :):):)


  33. The belt a great accent for the dress! I love your site, just started blogging while looking for sewing tips via the internet. I happen to be doing a leather skirt and your blog popped up! I looked at some of your other site and I think that I may be spending a lot of time here! Maybe someday I'll start my own, I have quite a lot of sewing experience, just not a lot of time to journal it this way.


  34. I love your belt! I have been wanting to make this belt and just assumed I would use fabric but the leather looks great in this and you tips inspire me to give it a try!
    I don't have any kind of leather foot but thought I might try my walking foot... food for thought!

  35. Fabulous belt!! I love the smooth overlap in the back. Great job!

    (Previous post was very entertaining! Loved the jacket too.)

  36. I am soooo impressed that you tamed that leather into submission! What a great belt!

  37. Now that is some kind of fine! I just love your new RED leather belt.

  38. WOW! I llove the belt and your finishing is superb. It looks great with the LBD too.

  39. Lovely, just lovely....would it be possible to scan in the pattern...I'm fairly new at sewing!!

    THanks so much!!

  40. NICE! Wondering how it holds it's shape after hours of sitting and standing...


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