Saturday, July 11, 2009

Runners Unite!

So I did a tiny bit of sewing right before my Homer trip. I have had an iPod for a long time. I mostly play podcasts and audiobooks while I run. Weird, I know. My absolute favorite is PodRunner. If you are a runner/spinner/exerciser you should check it out. They publish a new mix every week at a specific BPM (beats per minute). It really helps keep your pace through the entire run. My pace is about 158bpm so I have downloaded about 10 mixes for that pace. I wouldn't really call it music. It's kind of like techno music but it lasts for an hour. I don't even really listen to it. I turn it down way low, just so I can barely hear the beat, and let my mind wander. Anyhoo, my girlfriend bought the Nike+ thing that attaches to your iPod. After looking at hers, I had to buy one too. They are super cool and not that expensive. There are two parts. One part goes in or on your shoe. Nike shoes have a special pocket in the shoe for the transmitter. If you aren't a fan of Nike shoes (too narrow of a toebox for me) you can buy this little pouch that straps to your rebel non-Nike shoe. The other part is a little white receiver that attaches to your iPod. You can see it on my iPod below. I usually keep my iPod in one of my butt pockets along with my Gu (I have goo in my butt, ha!). But, this little gadget shows you your pace, distance, time travelled, etc. so you want easy access to it without fumbling in your butt (hee hee). I looked at the armbands that they make for your iPod. Those things are $30 or $40! Can you believe it? That, and they probably wouldn't fit my tiny biceps anyway (child's blood pressure cuff here). So, all this background just to tell you about the elastic armband I made. Whew.

Here are the components together.

Here's the sensor in the pocket. And yes, my damn Puma shoes are pink and glittery. Not my first color choice but they are pretty damn comfortable.

I usually wear this sleeveless but you get the idea. I wear it upside down so I can pull my arm up and see it right side up.

Here's the nitty gritty. It's pretty easy obviously. I put several rows of loop-side velcro so it can be adjusted. You just have to be careful because the velcro doesn't stretch. No use putting non-stretch things on an elastic band, right?

You can see the metal buckle I found isn't quite wide enough for the elastic. I made the 1" strap very tight so there is no chance the iPod will slip out.

Here's how I put on the smaller elastic so I had all finished edges.

It's not much but I did sew something.


  1. Okay I'm so excited you have a Nike sport chip! My DH gave me one for Valentines day. Needless to say I LOVE IT! What is really fun is to track your times on it shows you when you slow down, and tracks your times and charts them, but you probably already know that. I love mine and I use it everyday. i have an armband holder, but I like to put mine in my pocket when I have one. I agree about Nike shoes, they are way to narrow for me. I have recently been running on Brooks so far so good. Love to talk about running and sewing , You are a girl after my own heart. Glad you had a fun trip!!!

  2. Here I am again. I forget to tell you I also listen to podcasts. There are lots to choose from It really keeps you running at an even pace. Happy trails Kathy

  3. Love the sport chip. And I am jealous you can run with an ipod. I live in a wooded neighborhood with no streetlights. I need to run with a high level of awareness of my surroundings, at all times. I had one very scary follower a few years back and that has cured me of all music listening BUT I love your armband and wish I could listen to podcasts......and your shoes are great. My shoes right now are pink and lavender, but the last ones were gold.....ew..... Nike shoes stink.......Asics rule......

  4. A fellow sewing runner! (I was going to say a running sewer, but that can be read two ways...) My running has taken a bit of a back seat since I started sewing in earnest, but I'm getting back into it now. Running helps me to thrash out construction glitches and plan new projects. I'll have to attempt some sport tops next; I'm tempted by a running skirt (skort?) but haven't found a pattern for this yet.

  5. I'm an Asics girl myself. I just might copycat the armband. Thanks!

  6. I'm a Nike girl, and believe it or not, I don't have an iPod....yet. Thanks for showing us how to make the armband! 8 miles then 10 ramping up for a full or half marathon? Love the Alaska photos! I'm not too grossed out by the worm info...home grown broccoli has the same problem with little green worms...I think of it as added protein!

  7. Thanks for the link to Podrunner. I did the Couch to 5K podcasts and loved them...this gives me more options. I love my Nike+...especially when I get a positive message at the end of a run!

  8. Thanks for info about the podcasts --- I need some incentive to get back into running! Great job with the armband holder --- I didn't know they cost so much if you bought them. Love the vacation photos in your previous posts. I've never been to Alaska so it is a treat to see!

  9. ok ok you earn points for sewing your arm band, but WHY did you fork out for the shoe thing?? I made my own in literally 30 seconds about three years ago when I first bought mine. Two tiny pieces of scrap fabric and two bits of velcro and it's never ever come off! you can see it at the bottom here

    Needless to say, if you took my Nike+ and my iPod off me, my legs just would NOT move. I need my electropop and Nike Lady's reassurance. :)

  10. I don't run, but I walk and I have one of these gizmos too--I just carry my ipod but I make my own little holders for the sensor on my shoe--use wide elastic and can just change out the sensor from one pair of shoes to another. It is secure and has never gotten lost. This system has been real motivation for me and keeps a 60+ lady walking more than 5 miles every morning. I don't track what I do as a normal part of my day, just my walk/jog in the morning. Thanks for sharing the arm band directions.


  11. Love, love, LOVE my Nike+ chip! I also don't wear Nikes because of my funky stride. Apparantly Adidas are the Shoe Of Choice for people with funky steps like me. Like Melissa, I stitched my shoe receiver into a little fabric baggie and tied it to my shoe. It's been great. Wish I ran as far as you do...!

  12. Ok I hate you're gone ANOTHER week. Ugh. (But have a nice time!)


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