Sunday, August 16, 2009

Skirt Facing Tutorial

Here you go. This shows you how to add a facing to a CB or side seam with an invisible zipper. In other words, it's how to make you zipper and facing look nice on the inside. :) All photos should get bigger when you click on them. For reference, SA = seam allowances, CB = center back, RS = right sides, and RST = right sides together.

I screwed up a bit on this tutorial because this skirt has a full lining. So, pretend the lining fabric is sewn to the bottom of the facing. Cut the SA off the facing but not off the lining. I usually make a little pleat on both sides and keep that extra ease in the lining piece.

Remember that there is lining on the bottom of the facing piece. You would continue doing this all the way to the bottom of the zipper.

After I attached the facing, I did go back and attach the lining. You can do it either way but I usually put the lining on the facing first and then attach the facing. I'm not sure why I did it differently this time.

I hope that helps people. This is from Kathleen Fasanella's website. She has a whole list of great tutorials.


  1. Thanks for the tutorial. I'm sewing a skirt next week and will try the method you showed. It does look nice on the inside! How was the half marathon?

  2. I'm not clear on how you sewed the lining. Did you turn it under and slip stich, or did you machine sew it?

  3. Very helpful information. I really need to try this, it definitely looks more professional.

  4. I have read so many tutorials on this, but yours looks the easiest to follow (the teacher in you?) so I'm giving it a sample run tomorrow!

  5. Thank you for the clear instuctions. I'm going to follow them knowing they will turn out just right.

    Good work on the half marathon, I don't know how you get it all done! Good work on the DH choice also, not only does he "get you" he has a good eye for fabric. Lucky girl.

  6. Thank you thank you, a million times thank you! I've tried to "get" this from other tutorials but yours is the best, big pictures and easy to understand captions. My other skirts have turned out just ok, but the one I've used your tutorial on is the best by far.


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