Sunday, December 27, 2009

Year in Review Part 1

So, how did you guys do for 2009? I sewed 95 garments in all this year. It sounds pretty impressive but you have to remember that about 11 of those items were underwear. I'm always impressed when I do these graphs at the end of the year. It always seems like I don't sew for my kids but I really do. I'm not such a bad mother after all. Well, at least they have underwear. I'm surprised there are not more skirts on the graph. I feel like I do a ton of skirts and not many tops but that is clearly not the case.

This should come as no surprise to those of you who read my blog. I love BWOF (or whatever the hell they are calling themselves now) and Jalie patterns. The lone Burda is an envelope pattern.

How did you guys fare for the year sewing wise?


  1. You had a prolific year! Good work!

  2. If I can get these pants finished and a top to wear with them, I'll hit the 100 yard mark for the year. I had a lot of landmark sewing events this year (Chanel jacket, sewing class in NYC), so I'm not sure how 2010 could possible be better!

  3. Wow, that's impressive! I didn't have such a productive year. I'm still sewing before New Year's, so I'll post my results after that. All this Burda Style stuff I've been seeing has gotten me to buy their mags! I got 11/09 in the mail today!

  4. I got very little done. Just spent all day in an Excel class. Must work on graphing skills, will happen long before I accomplish much sewing :-)

  5. WOW! I'm impress. I had a goal of sewing just one item of clothing a week; which would have given me 52 items of clothing. Yea I think I completed maybe three items. Better luck in 2010.

  6. How fun! The graphs and the sewing both. What a great way to track your yearly sewing. Now I think I need to look back over the year...

  7. Oh my gosh - not only do you sew fabulous clothing, but you are so organized!

  8. I'm impressed with your record keeping! I did that this year with my reading, but it didn't even cross my mind to set up a similar system for sewing. Guess I know what I'll be fiddling with this weekend. ;)

  9. You are very organized with your graph! Impressive - the graphs and sewing!

  10. How did I fare? Nothing at all like you did. I really don't know the answer but know I did probably a lot less garments, but garments with the extra fussiness involved so that is fine.

    Love your use of Excel. I think I will have to try that. Thanks for the inspiration.

  11. hahah!! I totally think BWOF should just change their name to "whatever the hell their name is". Because that's what we're all calling it!!

    You & Shannon were crazy busy sewing this year. I think I made my normal 12-15 things. :P


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