Sunday, August 1, 2010

Jalie shirt and Gap (!!!!!) jeans

So my new love affair has been started by the Gap 1969 Curvy Girl jeans. Mind you, I can ONLY wear the CURVY girl version. There is a contour waistband and great booty coverage. They are slim through the thighs, low-ish on the waist, and boot cut. I have this wash and a dark, dark, dark wash. I'm still on the crappy iPhone so no close-ups of the great waistband but it's perfect for the swayback lady. I love the vanity sizing at the Gap. I'm a zero. Seriously??!? Come on Gap, I am not a zero. Granted I have lost weight recently but zero my butt is not. I hemmed this pair to be worn with my Danskos and left another pair long for heels. Again, sorry for the crappy formatting and pictures. I should have Internet next week and I'll fix these and make the photos better for y'all.

Love this Jalie top. I added a little width in the shoulders because the last scarf collar top I made was a little narrow. I'll show you how to do that in another post. Maybe tomorrow. :)

Like my beautiful view on my new two acre lot???? These things I am thankful for…


  1. I love your jalie top, the gap jeans look great, and your view is beautiful!

  2. I like the way that the lines on the top come together all crazy in the back. And your view is great, can't wait to see it in person the next time that we visit.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The top looks amazing--did the fabric come with all those crazy line breaks? it looks like you pieced it together. the finished product looks wonderful.

    Rose in SV

  5. Wow! That top is a knockout! Great work!! Love the land too!!

  6. Great looking jeans and love the top too.

    You certainly have a great view.

  7. Woot woot! Great top, great jeans, and great view from the deck! Hopefully you have left the nutzo neighbor behind.

  8. love that top! awesome work! ditto to Rose's question...i'm assuming you pieced it together... Amazing and unique. you should b proud!

  9. Great jeans. Please may we see more of "your view" - don't hesitate to use it as a background to your fashion photography!! Great to see you back.

  10. Good to see you back in the sewing room! Willing to help you make a mess of it in a couple weeks!! And yes, nice view; you scored on that place!

  11. The jeans look great on you! I really like this top I think I might have to check out yet another line of patterns...Great view of your new property, congratulations!

  12. glad you are back to blogging...jeans look awesome...

  13. Love the top. The backdrop is wonderful as well.

  14. You have been greatly missed! I think you are making lemonade out of life's lemons - you go girl! The jeans are fab - I could use a little vanity sizing so Gap here I come! Welcome back!

  15. Love your view (and jeans and top). Looking forward to seeing more of your abode (particularly sewing room) and your view when you get your internet access. We'll be patient! When does school start?

  16. Looks awesome. Great job.

    I wanted to let you know that I've got some pics up on my blog from the photo shoot of the retro-looking skirt I just made along with a quick and easy tutorial of how to make one in under 25 minutes with just leftover material and no pattern. Come by and see if you get a chance.

    Trudy of Sewing With Trudy

  17. I just love that top. And, I must admit that I wear Curvy Gap's, too. I like 'em also because they seem to always hold their shape and their color.

    Lovely deck and great new view. Hope all is well with you and the kiddos.

    Hang in there and enjoy the rest of your school holiday.

  18. The gap jeans look great with the top, congratulations!

  19. Oo... love the top! It's always great to find an awesome fitting pair of jeans!

  20. Love the top and you look great in the jeans (I love Gap too!)....but I don't think Curvy Girl and size 0 belong in the same sentence! LOL

  21. Love the top and those jeans look great on you! Nice score!


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