Monday, August 30, 2010

Uh oh. Fell off the fabric wagon . . .

I've been really good all summer. Well, not today, folks, not today. I just went to and bought:

Two Matte Jerseys (can you say wrap dresses?),

three Cotton Baby Jersey Knits (I must be needing some color in my life),

two RPLs for work pants,

and a Slub Rayon Jersey Knit . Sounds interesting and I love the color.

I also got a swatch of this Orina Nylon activewear fabric. I wanted to see if it would be good for workout tops.

Remember that I get kickbacks from If you click on one of my links and buy, I get a commission. Just want to be out in the open about that! I'll let you know how I like all the fabrics once I receive them in the mail. I just NEEDED fabric. I had an itch I needed to scratch!


  1. All very nice, but that Rayon really does sound neat. Please let us know more when you have it in hand.

  2. Oh had fabric thrown at you yesterday so TECHNICALLY, no falling off the wagon was necessary. ;D

  3. Oh wait...the fabric throwing was Saturday....

  4. Hey Dawn, great fabrics!!! had a great selection of matte jerseys recently. I bought one for a wrap dress as well. They're great for the transition from Summer to Fall. Have fun sewing them all up!!!

  5. I love that blue matte jersey print...I almost fell off the wagon with that one, but I am holding out to buy Liberty of London...actually in London! Hope to make it there...we'll see what my grandson has to say about it!

  6. Very nice! How did I not see these the last time I placed a order?

  7. I bought that blue print (upper left) when it was on sale about a week ago. I am dying to see it in person and I hope I won't be disappointed!

    Please do report on the fabrics. I have had mostly bad experiences with fabrics.

  8. We all fall off from time to time. You made some great choices.

  9. Hey you are alright! We all call ourselves going on fabric or pattern diets it don't work, well it works only for a little while.LOL! Great looking fabrics.

  10. oh hey, I bought that same dusty rose baby knit (the relatives are bringing me SO much fabric in their suitcases in two weeks!). We can be twins! :D

  11. So pretty! Please report back on the rayon slub jersey - from the description it sounds like it will be too light to be used for a dress I'm considering, but I'd love your feedback. Thanks. :)

  12. I too fell pray to the temptation of that blue rayon on Monday, only I bought the brown version. Also for a wrap dress. Can't wait to see what yours looks like!

  13. I'm glad I'm not alone. I resisted temptation for, I don't know, a whole month? But fell last night.

  14. I nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award:

  15. HI-- I actually have a question about your Channel jacket you made with the fabric from I also purchased the same fabric and am considering using to it to make a coat for the latest coat sew along. Did you match the fabric at the seams?

  16. Oh, good! Does this mean that you'll be sewing (and blogging) again soon? I hope so!


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