Sunday, September 26, 2010

More Burda #121

I made two more of the Burda turtlenecks this weekend. This is a super fast pattern and very easy to put together. I made them both out of fabric I bought last year in December. Sadly, they don't have anymore of it in stock.  They are nice beefy cotton interlocks with 4-way stretch.

Do you see this face?? It's because something is happening outside that I really don't like. 

Namely this . . . Yes, folks. It's snowing at my house. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. 


  1. Your tops are lovely. I envy your cool weather. It is still soooo hot here. 90+ This has been going on for MONTHS
    I always tease my husband that we should move to Alaska but is southern through and through and would never consider it. Well, I can dream about snowflakes.

  2. Oooh, snow! After 11 years in Hawaii (with mainland trips carefully timed to avoid any temps lower than upper 40s) I miss snow.

    But not before Oct. 1. That's too early!

  3. Can I just say... I love that you are BACK!!! Great tops, great face, and I really would like to win the lottery so that I could come and see your house, the scenery is stunning! Keep up the good work!!!

  4. I just love the new background for your shots - what a fabulous view. Great turtlenecks! Looks like you need them! (Snow? Yikes.)

  5. OMG! Snow! It is still mid-90's here -- and I am soooo over it. Love your turtlenecks -- they look awesome on you. Gonna try this pattern. As Kristine said, I'm thrilled that you are BACK!

  6. Nice basics to start off your winter? I can't believe it's snowing... the high here is 80. Your view looks amazing though!

  7. Snow, eek! DC is the furthest north I could ever possibly live, and it is really too cold here for my taste. We don't get snow until February usually, if then.

  8. Ugh! Snow. At least the earliest we've experienced it here has been October. Tis way too soon for snow!

    Nice tops by the way

  9. I love the first one - what a great pattern!It manes even the most simple "basic" thing look very interesting.

  10. From your face, I suppose this is too early? I'm really glad to see you around more - missed your posts.

  11. So glad to see you more often, always enjoy your posts. Really like your turtles, used to wear them all the time but in the last few years the snug neck bothers me. Did you serge them? Multiple zig-zag them? Is there any lycra in the fabric? In the northeast last winter we survived "snowmageddon" if I never see it again, it will be too soon!!!

  12. What lovely tops and so well fitted. As for snow, EEKS!


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