Friday, January 16, 2015

Kid Clothing Inspiration

I often go online to look for inspiration. One of my favorite kids sites is Boden. They have great fun and functional clothing for kids. I can sew most things very well. I’m a workhorse, but the creative, embellishing, crafter I am not. I can’t just scatter on things randomly and make them look good. Some people just have that creative artistic eye. Ya know? They just know how to make things look polished and cute. Me? I need help with that. That’s when I turn to Boden or some other online retailer. I’m not affiliated at all, just like their clothing.

See how cute these dresses are? I even have the perfect Ottobre pattern for them. I’m not really good at mixing patterns, so this type of stuff really helps me.




And see how cute this is with the giant applique? I could totally make this with Jalie 3355. 



Another cute sweatshirt with ruffle detail. Another one for Jalie 3355. See? I think these are all great ideas, but I can’t think of them myself. I have to see it to do it.



This is just like the Ottobre pattern above, with a little bit of a different skirt. Now that I’ve seen this with the giant stencil and ruffle skirt, I must do this for the summer!



Are other people like me? I will often hit a roadblock if I have to be creative. I’m so bad at that type of stuff. My family just assumes that “since I can sew, I must be artistic.” Uh, no. See my blog header? I always do so variation of that because I can never figure out something different to make. If I try to change it, it looks like some five year old designed it! 


I’m working on my January Burda Challenge right now. Something different than my normal tight knit dress route! I’ll be putting up a separate blog post about that this weekend.


  1. I'm the same way. I can sew, but I have such a hard time matching things up and coming up with cute ideas like these :)

  2. Have you found the Ottobre magazine better patterns than using the children's patterns in the BurdaStyle magazines? I am a long time subscriber to the Burda mag, but have an 18 mo great-nephew that I'm sewing for and looking for interesting toddler clothes and was thinking I might need to get an Ottobre subscription.. What are you thoughts and recommendations?

    I'm a long-time reader of your blog and was thrilled when you won the PatterhReview challenge :) !!


  3. You took the words right out of my mouth. Not a creative bone in this body. I can sew with the best of them as long as I can copy the idea. Nothing original coming out of me!😢😭

  4. I love, love, love the embellishments of Ottobre, and they are very "kid," if you know what I mean. I think that getting a few Jalie patterns might serve you better if you have the ability to change a pattern. I think I get the magazines more to look at the variations and decorations on the patterns. Like I said, I'm a dunce when it comes to giving something that "flair" it needs. Jalie might be the overall winner for price (all sizes from 2T to adult), but Ottobre has a ton of great kid patterns for lots of different sizes. Ottobre is much easier to trace off than Burda too. I've only made a couple of Burda patterns for kids. For some reason, they don't speak to me, but I'm a weirdo, and lazy. I would rather have an Ottobre than shows me exactly how to do something.

  5. Yes I'm the same too! People always say to me that I should be a fashion designer, but I pretty much sew directly from a pattern and usually in one fabric as even putting two fabrics together in the one garment is usually beyond my creativity level! I love Boden too, and if you want some other sites for inspiration an Australian store called Seed ( and Country Road ( do pretty cool kids clothes too


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