Friday, February 19, 2010

Jalie 2215 -- Pants while I wait

I'm still debating the wool coat pattern. While I ponder I whipped up a pair of work-out pants. These are a thick, black, matte, nylon/lycra fabric I bought in Hawaii. They are nothing special but they are perfect for workout pants. I used the Jalie pattern I have used so many times before. These just fit really well. I used 1" elastic like they suggest.

I serged the elastic onto the WS and then flipped it to the right side and coverstitched it. In this (fuzzy/shitty/blurry) photo, you may be able tl see the four-thread overlock stitch and the wrong side of the coverstitch. Of course, maybe not.

Here you can see it from the right side.

I think I've decided on the 10-2008 jacket for my coat. I love the lines and the collar. I also love the snaps. I saw someone with tortoise-shell snaps a while back. I'll have to run through my blogroll and see if I can figure out where they bought theirs. I think I may like something like that for my coat.


  1. Love the waistband. I will be copying that for sure!

  2. Great pants, you are so tricky!
    And the snaps? Pacific Trimming in NYC, I saw them there when I got my big silver ones. They aren't on the website, but you should call them to see. Maybe Lindsay T can give you a hand...

  3. So, did you coverstitch through the elastic? And, if so, what elastic did you use?

  4. Great choice on the coat pattern. That was definitely my fav! Can't wait to see it.

  5. I think "behind the seams" had some tortoiseshell snaps, also possibly Lindsay T?

  6. Good use of time while pondering the coat. Your coat should look fantastic - look forward to seeing it!

  7. A quick pair of workout pants are always in order:) Can't wait to see your coat as well!

  8. I'd like to know too what type of elastic you sewed thru. These pants look great and like a reall wardrobe staple.

  9. Great pants for working out. Is the fabric breathable?

    Tortoise shell snaps?! Let us know if you track them down!

  10. Okay,
    I've looked at that first picture several times now, and I can't for the life of me figure out what goes where. It lookes like a garment for a four-legged person. Why is it that I'm the only one confused here? The coverstitching in the second pic looks superb BTW!


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