Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Other Choices for my Coat . . .

This is a trencoat pattern from March 2009.

This is from 10-2008. I would make the sleeves full length and add a belt to it. This might be a good basic pattern for my BRIGHT plaid.


  1. I like the coat from 10-2008. It will be easier to match all the bars and stripes and you will get the full impact of the plaid. I also think you could put in a pretty warm lining with this one. It's a cute coat.

  2. Love the first one the most. While both provide far more opportunity for spectacularly well executed plaid matching, the first strikes me as more practical and timeless. The cropped sleeves on the second one are all the rage, but I can't help wondering if this is a passing fancy that might suddenly go out of style with a thud. Also, you'd need to get some long gloves (I'd lose them within the first hour) or plan to wear only sleeves that won't clash or look weird hanging out from the end of the shortie plaid coat sleeve -- which might limit the usefulness of the coat (the latter wouldn't be as much of an issue if the coat were made up in a solid color). So I think a lot would depend on whether you want to be fabulously in the fashion moment right now or whether you want a solid basic that will last for years. I envy those who are courageous enough to go for it in terms of new fashion styles, but personally I'm a fuddy duddy who likes the more classic looks. Either would be smashing made up in your beautiful fabric.

  3. 10-2008!!! Love the collar and won't those plaids be easy to align! A gorgeous style on you. Go for it!!! Thanks for posting all of these.

  4. I love the plaid. But with a design like that, you need a pattern as simple as possible to make the most of it. Every cut, every dart will show from across the street.
    Excuse me for being blunt, but looks like you're on a search of 'coat patterns that appeal to me' rather than 'patterns that will suit this fabric'.. not that I'm ever decisive myself :-).

  5. Hey! That's harsh. The fact is, almost all of the coat patterns available today have extensive seaming and add-on details and just do not feature the simple, uncomplicated lines of the 6o's. Considering the choices available, I think some interesting seaming will have to be present, and the plaid-matching challenge would have to be met.

    10-2008 presents minimal disruption of the fabric and, bonus, no belt to possibly clash when the plaid isn't aligned JUST SO when tied. (I hadn't thought of that before, but it could be disconcertingly off unless you plan to substitute a solid color belt.)

    Maybe just lengthen the sleeves on the 10-2008? That ought to be quite lovely.

    I do think that every exterior flourish, such as pockets, pocket flaps, etc. presents an additional challenge. The plaid would have to be aligned with laser-like accuracy to pull it off. Definitely go for it if you want to, don't let us kibitzers discourage you. Your skills are more than up to the challenge, and you always pull it off beautifully!

    Also, I think the comments on your alternatives are based on the assumption that the plaid is fairly big, judging from your picture. But if this plaid actually is eensy weensy, then certainly more of these alternatives would work just fine.

  6. Actually, a great alternative for a plaid like this might be to change focus and make a beautiful, boxy-style Chanel jacket. No collar to worry about, minimal seams and darts. The fabric would really shine.

  7. I love the first one and have made it twice - it has no shaping though so you definitely need the belt - also make a lining - the second time I didn't and the facings keep flopping out so I regret that shortcut. I love the look of the second one for your plaid. I think the thicker collar will work better with the fabric you have. It seems a bolder, simpler design too, which will really show off your fabric.

  8. I made the 10-2008 burda coat. It is an easy construction and will showcase plaid well. I made it in a faux fur. I haven't posted it but I wanted to let you know that I found the sleeves/shoulders very wide. Since it is raglan sleeve, I felt like a football player. It is an easy fix. Maybe it was the faux fur. Besides this issue, it is a great pattern.


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