Saturday, February 20, 2010

Answers to Questions

Sewing Geek has left a new comment on your post "Jalie 2215 -- Pants while I wait":
So, did you coverstitch through the elastic? And, if so, what elastic did you use?

First I serge the elastic to the pants. Then I flip it to the inside and coverstitch from the right side. I bought a 50 yard roll of 1" elastic from I use it for all the kids' pants so I figured I would use up that much.

AngelaB has left a new comment on your post "KS 3740 - Cowl-neck Top - I *heart* you.":
Oh, I so love your blog! I wanted to send an email with this question, but you don't have an email address listed, so I guess I'll just ask it here.
You mention that you have been sewing for a couple of years, and I am a beginning/intermediate sewist who would like to improve her skills, but don't really know where to begin. I have a lot of books that I refer to, and am a careful and conscientious sewer and presser, but my stuff never seems to end up looking quite right. I have some problems with fit and making pattern alterations. Do you have any suggestions or words of wisdom about the best way to learn more about this? Thanks.

Hi Angela! I only own a few sewing books. My favorite go-to book is mt Readers Digest Complete Guide to Sewing. See it on this blog post. I think the key to making things look "right" is to practice, practice, practice. I've sewn a lot of things that look really handmade and not in a good way. I think one of the most important factors is matching your fabric to your pattern. I do a lot of snoop shopping. It's a great learning experience to wander around, feel fabric, and see how the manufacturer put it together. Also, practice helps you figure out which parts of sewing really count for that RTW look. For example, you really need to watch the tops of a zipper on a skirt of jacket. If the tops are off by an 1/8", you'll really notice. Making sure that buttons and closures are the correct distance from the edge is another big thing. Nothing screams homemade more than closures that are too far or too close to the edge.

weeza has left a new comment on your post "KS 3740 - Cowl-neck Top - I *heart* you.":
looks fab on you. when you take out the .5" from the shoulder, do you also have to take something off the sleeve so it still fits in the armhole? I need a SEA (small-everything-adjustment) and I'm having trouble getting my head around the geometry...

Weeza, I use this Burda Workshop for my petite-ing adjustment. I sometimes don't have to do it on Burda patterns but I always do if for KwikSew patterns.

Summerlea has left a new comment on your post "Fun Fabrics!":
Hi, I wondered if you could help me source denim for jeans. I checked out but they don't list the denim weight. Have you used their denim, or is there another denim you'd recommend? The only heavy denim I've found locally is $20/yd and up!

Hi Summerlea! I'm at a loss right now too. used to have a wide selection of stretch denim but they don't seem to have any right now. *sssiiiigggghhhhhh* You'll let me know if you find some good stuff, right??



    Nice denims and not too expensive.

  2. I was just going to mention the post over at the Selfish Seamstress,, where she raved about Lura's fabrics for denim. Prices seemed very reasonable.

  3. Another question:

    Living in Alaska, do you sew your own outerwear for running? And if so, do these clothes end up saving you money compared to buying running gear?

    I live in Northern Canada and cringe at the prices for windproof jackets/pants at local shops. But I also tire of treadmill running when it's cold outside. Any suggestions?

  4. hey lady - not that it will help everyone BUT, M told me she has stretch denim on order! Was not able to ask the spandex content but looking forward to what she gets in.

  5. RE: Sewing resources
    I love my Readers' Digest sewing book (it has knitting in it too, not that I knit often). I also have bought a few 'Sewing with Stitches Australia' magazines, which have useful articles. But my best resources are my freinds hwo are willing to help me with fitting muslins, passing on tips, and figuring out how to do those fiddly little steps.

  6. just got in some new stretch denims. And now I'm wondering what color "wet cement" really is. ;-)


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