Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Two new (old!) machines!!

So you guys know that I seem to be a sewing machine magnet (my Necchi Bu Mira story here and Pfaff 230 story here). I acquired two more machines and I think they will fit into my flock of machines quite well.

The first is this 1970s Kenmore. It’s a straight stitch and zigzag machine with a few other stitches built-in. It’s not nearly as old as my Pfaff 230 and Nechhi Bu Mira but it’s still hefty. I set her up and she sews really well. I’m not sure if this is a nice machine or not. I need to do a bit of research. Do any of your guys know about this model?
rebel 002002


It’s the 158.13250 model. Made in Taiwan makes me a bit worried, I won’t lie.
rebel 003003


I love the other stitches too. I have been keeping my newer Viking Madison only because it does the blind hem stitch. I swear to you, that is all I’ve been doing with it for the past three years. This Kenmore does the same stitch plus the stretch stitch. Don’t get me wrong, my Viking Madison also does these stitches but I’ve grown to love these older machines and I have had some problems with my Madison not being strong enough to go through things and the tension on it always seems to need tweaking. This machine will also do buttonholes but I have two buttonholers for that.
rebel 004004


It comes with the booklet and I actually read it because I’m a nerd like that. I like reading manuals. See these short lines that a perpendicular to the seam guides? They are 5/8” corner marks. Bam. Really?? Duh, what a great idea! This way, you always know where to stop to turn a corner and get the perfect 5/8” corner seams. Okay, I can hear you right now laughing. Really Dawn, you’ve sewn for how many years and you’ve never seen this before? Uh, yea. This is a great idea and apparently, they had the idea in the 70s. Hmmmm. My newer Viking Madison doesn’t have it and my two older machines don’t even have seam guide markings.
rebel 0190191


See? Here are the directions.
rebel 016016

And see the blind hemming? Super excited about that!
rebel 020020



The other machine is the Viking Model 60 20. I believe it is also a 1970s machine? This one has not been tested because my gift-er forgot to give me the foot pedal that goes with it. I can spin the wheel and the dials seem to do the right things when I turn them.
rebel 008008


Anyone have one? Want to share information?
rebel 009009


rebel 015015



I do know this model uses cams that makes all these stitches available.
rebel 010010


Sadly, my cam-hole is empty. Say that quickly a few times. Go ahead. I know you are doing it in your head.
rebel 011011


I assume this is for bobbins? There is no way to disengage the engine like on all my other machines. Like I said, there is no foot pedal so I can’t try it out.
rebel 012012


I also got two bags of assorted stuff. Most of it is new in packages.
rebel 005005


I also have a huge bin of bobbins. I’ve have to figure out which bobbin is for which machine.
rebel 007007



Again, I’m super happy people know I love to sew!!!! Soon, I’ll have to start storing the machines instead of using them. I do have some sewing to show you, a dress! It’s also my June Burda Challenge.


I’ve been out of town which is why you haven’t “seen” me in a while. Some pictures from our trips below (gotta use those new cameras!). Feel free to skip this part!

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Every summer, I try to get a picture of the kids jumping in front of the Denali Park sign. I have yet to get all three in the air at the same time. My best is still only two out of three.


  1. My grandmother had a Husqvarna Viking. Now it's packed away at my brothers house (I won't let him throw it out). Brilliant machine, just keeps going. Less problems than my newer Husqvarna (00's).

  2. Hi Dawn. My Mum has a Husqvarna very much like your Viking, with the cams and from the early 1970s. And yes, that bit on the side is for winding bobbins. Once a bobbin is on there for winding the motor to the needle disengages, if I remember correctly. I learned to sew on Mum's Husqvarna, and it was (and still is) a great machine. Your challenge will be to locate the cams that enable the fancy stitches. Mum's is a slightly different model - hers has six different cams, each doing four stitches. You whack the cam in the back, then line up the knobs with the letter of the cam, and the colours for the width and length that correspond to the stitch that you want to use. What pleasant memories your photos have brought back to me!

  3. My friend Michele has a similar viking machine (hers is red though!) and I showed her how to use it by following the manual (which wasn't actually THE manual for her model, but close enough.) The amazing thing about that viking is that you can wind the machine while the thread is still threaded through the machine--including through the needle!! Pull the thread to the back and around to the side of the machine for winding. Incredibly amazing feature. However, if the viking has a needle up/down lever, keep it in neutral. After changing it, it caused the capacitor to blow, which resulted in a literally smoking machine. Their repair shop had forgot to remove the capacitor, it is not needed and they normally remove it. Here is the story, though I still need to update it for the happy ending! http://vacuumingthelawn.blogspot.com/2013/05/that-viking-6570-is-smoking-and-not-in.html

  4. p.s. that "turn a corner" marker is perfect on your kenmore. I have never seen that feature either, but why doesn't every machine have one? I had been marking with chalk!

  5. You are so LUCKY!!! I can't specifically comment on those models, but I can say that the Kenmore my parents bought me 25 years ago still works wonderfully. The kids are getting so big! Looks like a wonderful summer vacation so far!

  6. My Kenmore has the same serial number, but says 'Made in Japan" and the button and switch on the front right are somewhere else. It's definitely a workhorse! If it ever dies, I'm looking for another one.

  7. I'm not at home but that machine looks like the Kenmore I bought in about 1969 or 1970 - does it have a little duck embroidery stitch? It is a great machine - gave it to my dd to use (she doesn't, so I need to get it back) Made lots of draperies, quilts, mended jeans when the boys were growing up - a real workhorse! It really made prettier stitches than any Bernina I have had and I've had 4 of them. I sew on a Baby Lock now and love it!

  8. I received that Kenmore as a high school graduation present and it's the only sewing machine I've used since then! No mechanical problems and very reliable.


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