Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Jalie 3355 Times Two

My twins are always in need of cozy, snuggly, warm sweatshirts. I love this Jalie pattern and I've used it so many times. I'm sure it's in the 30's by now. This time, I made them one size too big and added four inches to the length so they are more tunic-y length. I think they'll be perfect over leggings, which is their pant of choice at the moment. 

I couldn't resist adding a little bling to them. On the red/pink sweathshirt knit, I added a blue silk woven X to the front. I added decorative stitching to the sides to attach it to the front. I got this inspiration from the most current Ottobre kids magazine. 

On the second sweatshirt, I added a little orange rhinestone bling to the front and shoulder. This is a hard fabric to photograph. It's little darker and warmer than this picture. This is the same fabric as this Ottobre tunic. I didn't do the hood only because I didn't have enough fabric. 

I've talked about these before here. They are plastic rhinestones attached to this mesh and they are so easy to add. Plus, they are indestructible. 

I wanted to show you my little helpers. This is a small room with a lot of stuff in it. Why is it, when I'm in here, that BOTH furry creatures need to be in here too? Why can't they sleep outside the door?? The cat mostly leaves my stuff alone now and just sleeps on this dresser. Sometimes, though, the serger threads are too tempting and she gets "invited" to leave the room. 

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