Wednesday, December 24, 2014

End of the Year Wrap-Up


I enjoy graphs (I’m a nerd like that). I made 78 garments this year and used a variety of pattern companies. No surprise to me is that I used Jalie and Burda magazine more than any other company. I used zero McButtKwikOgues and instead tried a few new (to me) companies. I did branch out this year and make a lot more kid’s clothing. I tallied up 11 Jalie leotards. Eleven. That’s a lot of leotards. I have several stand out garments that I love and a few that I don’t. Overall, I think it’s been a good sewing year. Some highlights: I won the Pattern Review Sewing Bee contest (sqqqquuueeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!), I successfully completed my Burda Challenge, I made a lot more clothes for my runner-girls, and I have come a long way in construction (in my opinion). Good sewing year indeed.  

Burda Challenge (each picture is linked to the blog post about the garment):


Overall, I’m really happy with my garments this year. I plan to continue on with the Burda Challenge and make at least one thing out of the current Burda magazine.


  1. Great stats! I'm a geeky chart nerd too :) My top sews are ottobre and jalie; I really need to get sewing up my Burda's more. Maybe I should start your once a month challenge too this next year. Loved seeing all your burdas in the collage :D Great year!!!

  2. You had a stellar year! Congratulations again on your win. Thanks for sharing all your sewing adventures with me!

  3. Wow, nice record, thanks for posting! I always love to see your posts, they teach me but also they are always fun!!!

  4. Wow you were productive. I adore your red jacket. :)

  5. That's amazingly productive! And they look great too!


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