Saturday, July 25, 2009

Jalie 2215 -- In Red

I love this raglan top so much. I made another version without the polo opening and with 3/4 length sleeves. This one is from a cotton (I know, cotton kills!) from our local Seams Like Home. I really like the sporty look of the fabric. I do prefer running in cotton and natural materials because the other ones get so stinky. Even when you wash them every time you run they still stink. I've even tried the bacteria barrier fabric that isn't supposed to get sticky. But, it does.

Here you can see the texture of the knit. It's really soft and comfortable to wear.

I, again, added another four inches to this top. This is supposed to be cropped but I'm not so into that look post-babies.

I love the stripe on the arms. It's swimsuit material from Spandex House. I made my mother a swimsuit out of this material back in January when I was getting ready to go to Hawaii. For this top, I didn't want to try to fold it over on itself because it is so slippery. Instead, I used my coverstitch machine to stitch the swimsuit material (single layer) to the red knit.

This is what it looks like on the wrong side.

Next, I trimmed close to the stitches. It's not perfect when you look close up but you'll never notice from any distance. It won't fray so I'm leaving the edges as they are.

An update on the Vogue jacket: it is not done. I know it was supposed to be done to meet Claire Shaeffer. But, I don't feel too bad because no one in the class finished their jacket. But, I got a call from my instructor last night saying, "Dawn, I've been checking your blog and I don't see any jacket work." [hanging head and looking sheepish] So, she is checking on us (Hi Linda!) and I will get it done before school starts. I needed a break from it . It is hard from me to work slowly on something for a long time. I get frustrated with not making much progress. At the same time, I knew that I shouldn't get too far ahead because I would miss important things and not be able to correct them. So, I'm going to make a big push here in the next week and get that puppy done. I do owe you several posts on where I am with the jacket. They will be coming too.