I am slowly working on my Chanel-style jacket. I have it cut out and partially put together. I want to add the trim before I sew the sleeves together. I think want something black like this because the fabric itself is so loud. There are two problems, maybe. One, how in the heck am I going to get nice sharp corners for the edges of this faux-sleeve vent and pocket flaps. Two, does this ribbon look cheap? I think it's polyester.

Here you can see that I've pressed it down. I would then hand-stitch the trim to the sleeve vents, pocket flaps, and around the jacket.

Here's a close-up. It's going to be very difficult to make sure these are perfectly symmetrical.
I plan to go to Seams Like Home, the local fabric boutique this weekend and check out what they have. I'm just concerned that it's going to be very hard to make corners with anything more substantial than ribbon.
Hard to tell with a picture, but I don't like the look of the ribbon much, too aggressively shiny. Yes, mitering would be the way to go around the corners I think fo something so unyielding. And finally, I think black is too much of a contrast. How about picking the tamest of these colors, do I see a purplish brown? and going with that? Or even a yellow or turquoise, if you're to be loud you may as well be loud and proud :-).
I think it needs a brown to match the weave instead of black, unless you are planning on wearing it with a black skirt or pants. Maybe grosgrain ribbon instead or find one with a matte or textured finish. I think it needs to be a subdued color, but pick out a dark from the weave and/or what a skirt/pants would be from.
Or, how about making braid from ravelled threads in the jacket. You could probably add some of your own fuzzy yarn for more drama. Not likin' the ribbon too much, I'm afraid.
The second picture almost looks like the ribbon could be grosgrain. Perhaps if you could find narrow petersham? I agree that the shininess (sp?) is distracting, but I really like how you manipulated the ribbon on the secon pic.
I agree with all the other comments...the ribbon is not a good look. But meredithp had a good idea. Make a braid from raveled threads in the jacket and place them on top of the ribbon. Threads had pictures of this in their Chanel articles. What about buttons? Are you putting them on the fake sleeve openings?
Another one to agree with the other commenters. A matte trim in either brown or another dark color from the jacket would be nice or as someone suggested a braid trim the ravelled threads. I love the jacket fabric and hope you come up with something awesome for the trim.
Honestly,Dawn, I think the ribbon does look, well, rather less expensive. That being said, You can kick it up a bit if you miter those corners. I think turning them that way is just a bit loving hands,,,,,,
Another thought would be to use the ribbon as a base. Think layers. I have seen Kahlje do this in magazine articles, if my memory serves me, and I am pretty sure Lindsay T did it as well, maybe a couple of times. Whatever you decide, I know it will be gorgeous in the end. You have a wonderful sense of what is right on you. Good luck with this project. I am watching as I hope to make the same soon but have to find just the right fabric first.....Bunny, off site.
My boucle is very similar to yours in weave and texture, but a different colorway. I am using a single trim (not layered) from M&J Trims, and it is allowing me to round the collar and turn the corner easily. Why not check out the website in an easy color (like basic black) that wouldn't require a swatch?
I too think some sort of braid trim - or braid on top of a wider petersham ribbon - would work better and be more Chanel-y.
I agree with most of the comments bout the ribbon, it is quite shiny and I think it shows up the corners more because of that - a bit like having a one way nap. If you have your heart set on ribbon, how about velvet? It would probably look better to mitre the corners but would be more luxurious. I also like the idea of making a trim from the threads of your fabric and adding some extras in a darker shade of the fabric, black may be limiting.
Can't wait to see it finished though, whatever you decide :-)
It looks like you actually have a seam to play with under there. Open it up and run the ribbon into the seam allowance to make the small bridge effect and the re-sew the seam shut. Velvet ribbon or petersham or braid would be a little classier.
I'm not a big fan of the ribbon either. Why not try a silk grosgrain in a brown, laid over a crocheted or knitted trim made with the leftovers? Try laying in an eyelash yarn to give the trim some texture. Just my 2 pennies worth.
In vogue knitting several years ago, Anna Sui had a knit chanel jacket and the trim looked great. It was crocheted. I don't know if this will help or not:
sc in lighter color.
sc in 2nd ch from hook [ch 1, skip next ch, sc in next ch] repeat.
sc in end of ch.
switch to darker color
ch 1, sc in each sc and each ch-1 space around, join.
You will end up making a loop of the darker color around the lighter color.
FYI from Fall '05.
Could look awesome, could be a hot mess.
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