Remember this cute little ditty from July 2009 Burda? I knew I would make this before the year was out. You'll notice the collar looks significantly different than this one. Let's, cough cough, call it a design element.
My original idea was a 60s go-go girl. I got a wig but it's much more Amy Winehouse. Should I put in a headband of the same fabric? Hmmmmm, some modification to the wig will be necessary. It's a very bright sunny day so I couldn't look at the camera without my eyes watering. And it's only about 34 degrees out so there aren't that many outside photos.

Obviously, it's for an adult party. Even then, we'll see if my husband lets me out of the house in it. I did leave a deep hem so I can let it out a couple inches if I need to.
This is a petite-sized pattern in size 17. I did a swayback tuck for the bubble-butt and then ended up taking it in about 2" at the waist at the CB seam. I love the pockets.

So do you see the collar issue yet? I put the damn thing on upside down!!! When I noticed, I had already topstitched it, attached it to the dress, attached the facing, and topstitched that down. There was no way I was picking out all that. The part where it overlaps should be the neck edge. The real CF is at my CB. It's still the same distance so it went in smoothly. It just means the collar points are a bit lower and sorta point upward. I did make the collar larger by extending the points of the collar piece before I cut it out.

I did one kickass welt pocket and one okay welt pocket. This is the first time I've done them in the front of a dress like this. I've only ever done them on jeans.

Hubba, Hubba!!! You do look rather Amy Winehouse. I love that dress.
I say definitely go with the Amy Winehouse look. Just get that hair up up up and stick a big flower in it. Yeah, it's all teased up too!
I do fear if you wear this on the wrong street you could be in for some big trouble, or big offers!
I would never wear the dress soooo high, lol, but you can obviously get away with it! Now to see if hubby will let hubba for sure. Have fun!
looks cute. But with only 1 degree Celsius out you are brave enough to take outside photos??? Vow.
-- I did the top version of this pattern, and had to do a swayback tuck as well (on the finished fabric, not on the pattern tissue before cutting, because this was way before I knew anything about tissue fitting). Did you shorten the front opening? It came down way low on me, and I ended up stitching the collar shut. I noticed you overlapped the collar, which of course takes out a bit of the deep-cut problem.
You go, girl and keep your husband close. I'm not sure about the headband - The flower sounds like a good idea. Love the boots! You're right - I doubt that anyone will be looking at the stitching on the boots.
You look great! I actually like the collar with overlap better than the original.
Digging the Amy Winehouse look, the flower in the hair sounds like a great idea although you look far too healthy to be Amy Lol! Great boots and a perfect outfit for a party, I can imagine that dress would look great with flat sandals in summer.
I would imagine your hubby might be worried if you were going out alone Lol, but sure he will stick to your side all night :-) tramp!! LOVE IT!! Just don't bend over!
Looks hot!!
Wow, what a great dress for you. You should consider longer hair, looks good on you.
You are right, NO ONE is going to notice the boot stitching! LOL How fun is that. You are brave and I think a wide headband would be very 60's looking. Of course *I* remember what the 60's looked like. Barely but I do remember. Now I sure hope this isn't for the school Halloween party. Your student's parents may have an opinion. You look great!!!!!!!
I thought you made the collar like that on purpose to give it the groovy vibe. BTW, does it make me a tramp if I absolutely love those boots? I actually spent last weekend looking for red go go boots.
I don't might need a stack of noisy red or white plastic bangles.... And I agree with Bunny about putting the teased hair up high on your head, along with a big red daisy. Either than or go with long stick straight 'ironed' hair, or the curly-haired version of it, tied back low on your neck
Actually I don't think the dress itself is very trampy (that's probably because it's exactly what I wore in my second year of college (about 1970), same length too), but the boots definitely are! lol. The collar looks more 60s/70s-ish this way than the original on the pattern.
Oh, and be careful how high you raise your arms while dancing!
Love IT!
Freaking awesome!! I actually think the upside down collar is perfect.
It looks fantastic. Have a great time!
What a great dress! You are truly dedicated to go out in the cold in it. Oddly, this dress just does not look costume-y at all to me until I look at the boots.
Oh yeah - put your hair up in a beehive and sing "Rehab" and you'll be right up there with Amy! I think that dress is adorable.
I say flirty, not trampy! Very very cute outfit and agree with everyone about the Amy Winehouse look. A beehive wig would also be very cute.
Love the entire look! My daughter (who is ink-less) did Amy Winehouse last year, and found some incredible temp tattoos that had me fooled...
Ha, ha. I love. I love it. Maybe you could make matching knickers just in case. I like the length, but if you drink a little, you might move around a little more and not be so careful of your hem line.
I LOVE it! The whole look is a great costume, but I think this dress looks so good on you that you need another, slightly longer version of it for everyday wear. :)
Whoa mama!! Love the boots, didn't know you could do that :0)
We have been invited to 5 parties for the pre-school crowd, but no grown-up ones :(
You look great! I would never have noticed that the collar was on wrong!
Wow! What an outfit! Bring back the 60's! Peace marches, folk songs, free love and rock and roll. Although, if I was there in the 60's for all that stuff, do you think I am too old to participate now?
Anyway, wonderful job. What is your "neighbor-with-a-glass-of-wine-laughing-on-his-porch" saying now?
Wowzaa! Totally cute dress. And the boots are killer. :)
Dawn, I was totally thinking of that dress lately. I need to work on my stash and I have this speckled orange and white fabric I bought from Fashionista Fabrics New Year sale last year that looks good on both sides (one is "oranger" than the other).
Here's the twilight part of my comment, I even thought to overlap because I know Burda loves "regle kòz" necklines!!!
Actually saw a "surplice bib" detail on someone on the street about 1 yr ago. And then when the Burda came this summer, I thought Aha! I would make it right side for the body, wrong side for the accents (cap sleeve, pockets, collar, maybe hem band?)
Are the two alterations the only ones you made? I worry that the dress is too sack-like. Did you do your usual 34/36 sizing? Please let me know. TIA
Arielle aka LaKaribane
The dress is actually really cute! I think you could wear it out in the summer (if it was a little longer :)).
I agree with everyone else that it looks fabulous on you! And a tad longer, with shorter heeled shoes/boots, and it's cute for today! I'm very jealous of your long thin legs!
The boots look fab too! I didn't know one could take a zipper stop off and re-use it. Gosh, I've probably been sewing at least twice as long as you have and never figured that out myself!
Oh, and I really like what you did with the collar! I think you'll win the prize!
Do NOT lengthen that dress! I'm a huge sucker for 60's fashions and it's a good thing for my health that I was just a bit too young to do much during that decade!!! I went as a Mod Girl a couple of years ago and wore a headband with my outfit. Have fun!!!
That was one of my favorite dresses in that issue! I would love to figure out how to make it non-petite!
It looks great. I think your "design element" makes it look more authentic for the time period!
You are too much!
You didn't mention more about whether you are wearing it or not for H'ween. Afterwards let the hem down and wear it with sandals next summer.
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