I had a work party to attend last night. I made this saucy little dress from the May issue of BWOF. Could I go with a boring, plain, solid color? Nooooooooo, of course not.
Instead, I made a crazy-ass version of it. (I'm under this tree and a little worried that my stomping on the deck will cause the snow to fall on me.) This is a polyester/lycra ITY I bought from my local sewing boutique, Seams Like Home. It's super comfortable and I love the print. It's a little crazy but, as a friend pointed out, so am I.
The only bust alteration was to cross the "crosses" a bit more than normal. I basted it in place with the two CF together but it was a little loose with my lack of "girls". So, I just snugged it up and made the top tighter. That means I also had to make the waistband a bit smaller and the hip area too. I also made a small, 3/8"?, swayback adjustment. I think it would have looked even better with a solid black waistband. I wore it last night with these boots.
As Emeril would say, "BAM!" Hello, booty! There was no way to match stripes, blocks, and squiggles so I didn't even try.
It was a fun party with lots of dancing. If there is one thing I can do, it's dance.