ETA: Some links, a correction and formatting nasty.
So.I live in a new house. Weird how life turns out. I have a new, albeit smaller, sewing room and all my stuff moved here. As you could probably tell I took a summer sewing break to move and spend some quality time with my kiddos. They seem to be taking the move well. They love the new house.
My first sewing project is an easy one. I had several girl shirts that were booooooorrrrrrring (girls' terms, not mine). I used my handy dandy embroidery machine to add a little pop to them. All these designs are (maybe were?) free. I think I got all except the bird from The bird was a freebie from I am doing all my posts via iPhone so I can't make links and I'm sure all the formatting will be junk. When I get my Internet hooked up, I'll
reformat these posts.
I have several things to post about. I'll show you my new sewing digs. And, forgive me, but I have found the perfect RTW jeans and, GASP, bought some!!!! I'll show you those soon. I'm glad to be back!!!!!!