Well, folks, Jalie made another winner. One of these days I’m sure they will mess up but they haven’t for me yet. I love this dress and it’s super easy and fast to make. I would highly recommend it for those scared of knits and for those who want to try a Jalie pattern but are scared of all the lines. One thing I did notice with this pattern is that they made the pattern lines a bit easier to find. They grouped the sizes together and made the lines slightly different. For example, the size R through V are dashed lines and others are solid lines.
This dress took me approximately 1 hour from trace to hem. This one needs a PatternReview.com rating of easy-peasy-chicken-squeasy. There is no difference between the front and back so there are few pattern pieces and the sleeves are cut on so there are no sleeves to set and nothing to bind on the sleeves. I can see a closet full of these in my future.
Next time I make it, I’ll see if I can fix the dress for the swayback-ed-ness of back and butt.
Here it is flat. Simple, neat, and easy.
What is your opinion on photo size? Personally, I like big photos because I hate clicking on a photo to enlarge it and then waiting while my slow connection brings up the photo. However, I can see the other side too where you want to read the text and have the option of clicking to make the photos bigger. I’ll let y’all decide and I’ll leave them small this time.