Monday, August 10, 2015

Jalie 3464 - The Lillie Leotard

This another one of the new Jalie patterns. I love, love, love the underarm stripe and the way it shows off slim and trim bodies. My girls may be big fans of this pattern too.


I used a bright green for the underarm stripe. Let’s see, the green and solid pink are from San Diego. The rainbow leopard print is from JoAnn’s. Obviously we had fun with this photo shoot.


Isn’t that green stripe cool??


Good Lord, how flexible these little creatures are . . .


This leotard fits perfectly. The girls are eight, but very thin with looooong torsos. I made a smaller size (eek! Where are my notes!) and then added two inches to the torso.


Big sister (she’s 13 minutes older and tells her sister this all the time . . .) had to get in on the action. This is a different Jalie leotard. It’s Jalie 3354 and I blogged about it here.


Leaf throwing turns into  . . .


. . . vicious sister love . . . which turns into  . . .


. . . a fun girl on girl slap fight . . . aaaaah, the joys of parenting.


I love the leotards though. I love the sleeveless version too. It is actually a different pattern piece so you get a well-fitting armhole. There are so many options for colorblocking and fitting!!! Love it!!!!

Next? I’m frantically making wool shirts for my son who is going on a two day canoe trip with friends. Eek!