Tuesday, April 14, 2015

April Burda Challenge - Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Matey!!

This was one of those Burda moments where I couldn’t find anything I loved in the magazine. I looked and looked and looked. I drank wine and looked. I asked my kids and we all looked. I asked my husband and we looked again. Nothing really called out to me. Most were a little weird, some were just fugly, and a few were okay. I chose one of the okay ones thinking I had the perfect fabric for it. Behold, Dawn the Pirate. ETA: I should have added this is Burda 04-2015 #112. I graded down to a size 34, my typical Burda size.

I should have known better. You see, I’ve tried shirts like this before. They never seem to work out.

Doesn’t see look cute in her top though?? Doesn’t she? I think it might be the 3/4 angle.

This top looks okay, even from the front.

Me though, not good. Kind of like a sack of potatoes. Granted, the sack is made of nice, border-print, snake-skinish fabric. Not even that can save it.

It does have cool arm vents though. Rad. Or not.

I tried it with a belt and without. The sleeves seem too short too. Not only does this thing have big arms and extra fabric, it has four, yes FOUR, large pleats sewn into the shoulders to make it even more voluminous. YAY!

Pulled down on the shoulders like the Burda model just makes it look like I’m a toddler trying to be sexy or something weird.

My camera doesn’t even like it.

I should have known here. This is the neckline before the elastic. This baby is 54” around at the neck. This baby is billowy to say the least.

Arrrrrrrrrrrrr, you win some, you lose some. I DO love this fabric though, so I may try to refashion it into something. I got it from FabricMart a while back. It’s a poly blend something. I really do like the colors.

I will need a palate cleanser after this one.