Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Bit Distracted . . .

Usually I don't let things distract me from sewing. But, this is bigger and more evil. My neighbors are crazy. I've been spending the last few days getting this protective stalking order against them. We have the emergency 20-day one right now but I have a hearing on the 29th to determine whether I get to have the full blown 6-month protective order.

They haven't actually hurt any of my family but they sure threaten. What is that Mad Eye Moody says in Harry Potter? I think it's, "Constant vigilance!!!" That's how I feel right now. I'm just glad my husband and kids will be gone this weekend. If they are going to do something it will be this weekend I bet.

Hopefully I'll have a Jalie top to show you tonight or Friday. Happy sewing and constant vigilance!