I told you I’ve been sewing! I had all this nervous mojo energy from the Sewing Bee and had to do something with it. A while back, I realized I didn’t really have any kid patterns and for some weird reason, I had this urge to sew for my kids. I almost never sew for them, and when I do, it’s pajamas. Well, anyway, I got this urge you see. I realized that all my kids are skinny like rails and that pants may have to be made by me. They are long and lean. To get something to fit their height, I have to buy their normal size. To get something that fits their width, um, well, they are skinny-minnies. I have to buy something that is 2-3 times smaller. Anyway, I have a ton of Jalie patterns, but I’m so bad at embellishing things and making things that look kid-ish. Anyway, I saw this Ottobre magazine somehow and decided that I needed it. I’ve already sew about four things from it (only two patterns) and I love it so far. Here is the first thing I sewed out of this magazine. (For those who are unfamiliar, Ottobre is a Finnish magazine like Burda. They sell a kid version and an adult version. You trace the patterns off of sheets with many, many lines. You add seam allowances, but not hem allowances. Here are all the tech drawing for this month’s magazine.)
This pattern is knit on the bodice section and can be a knit or woven down below. I chose to use a beefy cotton knit on the top and a thin ITY on the bottom. It would be fun with a bright woven on the bottom too. I made the width a size 116 (girls size 6) and the length a size 122 (girls size 7-8). This is very loose on her, but that is how the pattern is drafted too. I maybe should have made it even smaller for width.

Here it is flat. I love the two prints together.

And here is Princess. It is supposed to be a drop shoulder and I think it’s fitting her correctly although that neck looks wide doesn’t it?. I think I love how she has this styled. And she picked out those glasses as her “accessory.”

You can see here how big it is in the torso.

She wanted to do all these modeling poses, the little diva.

Do you love it? Is it too sloppy? I love it. Absolutely. Love. It. I can’t tell if I love it because of the fabrics, because she loves it, or if I just like this new silhouette. What do you think? The bodice is larger at the waist then at the chest. It is meant to be wide like this, I swear.

I use my coverstitcher to do the sleeve hems and the neck edge. I also used it to topstitch the seam that connects the skirt to the bodice. I bought this cotton knit at JoAnn’s and I really like it. I would buy more if I found it.

I also like it with the belt. The only thing that bothers me a smidge is that the sleeves seem to be a bit wide where they end at her wrists. Like the sleeves need to be two inches shorter, an inch longer, or narrower at the wrists.

Overall, I really like it. She’s in love so it’s a win!