I feel like I need to change the name of my blog to, “I’m Back! No, Wait – I’m Moving, No, I’m Back!! Moving! Back! Moving! Back!!”
I’m not going to make any promises this time. You guys know I bought a house. Well, the first room I painted and fixed up was my sewing room. A girl’s gotta have priorities right? Granted the rest of the house is totally livable, it’s just dated. Picture white walls, white textured ceilings, brown trim, some wood paneling, and brass fixtures. It’s certainly a place I can call home. I plan to replace windows this summer so I’ll paint my walls and redo the trim then. The sewing room is in the basement so it’s kind of out of the way. I did two-tone walls with an accent color called Vintage Merlot. I left the old trim because I don’t plan on changing this window at all so I left the original trim/doors too. The rest of the house will eventually have brown walls, white trim/doors/windows, and a few accent walls. It’s kind of hard to figure out the shape of the room but it’s kind of like an L. I’ll have to sketch out a picture for you guys. It’s under the stairs so there are all sorts of fun angles. I really like how the colors look with each other. It took four coats of paint for that red wall!
This is looking toward the bathroom. That’s a little built-in desk. It may become a homework desk for my son when I’m sewing.

Here’s looking toward the door into the room. I put my storage rack that holds most of my fabric behind the door.
Here’s a view from the bathroom side. I bought a desk from Costco that fits perfectly in the space available. It’s got three desks, a hutch, and some drawers. Right now things are sort of strewn about.

Here’s another view toward the door. I am able to put four machines in here. I had three machines out up at the rental and boy do I miss being able to do topstitching on a separate machine!

Here’s a good shot of the three colors. This Vintage Merlot may show up somewhere else in the house. I love it! Maybe in the master bedroom? It looks very much like a boudoir color, no?
p.s. And thanks for the note yesterday from my “Blog Readers/Lurker.” Y’all make a gal feel loved!