Okay, so remember how I’ve been working on this whole “wardrobe idea”? Well, I’m done and I freaking love it!
Here was my original idea. See this post for how I came up with the number of each item. I only ended up changing one thing. The plain blue tank was changed into the gray/silver tank. I actually did make the blue tank but the fabric and pattern didn’t work well together. The fabric was nice, but it was too thick for this pattern. It’s okay though, because I think just a blue tank would have bee too boring.

Here are all the pieces together. My key, I realized, was zany tops paired with very neutral bottoms and what Audrey calls “completer pieces”, my cardigans.

Look, you could easily pack for a two week trip with just this many clothes (well, and underwear – please pack underwear).

And here are a few of my favorite combinations. I pretty much like everything with the orange cardigan and blue eternity scarf. They make everything look luxe. I did make an orange scarf out of linen, but it didn’t call to me as much as the blue scarf. You can see it only once out of 24 sample outfits in the collage photo.

I love this scarf-collar top too. THE. BEST. colors in this top, really. And the cardigan just goes perfectly with it!! I also really love the orange/gray t-shirt. My least favorite pieces are probably the gray crop jeans (they seem just a tad too cropped) and the blue cardigan (too billowy??). I will still wear everything. I love it all!

These get bigger if you click on them. I didn’t want to kill you slowly with 800 large photos. Just because I’ve crazy excited doesn’t mean you have to endure that. Which is your favorite?

Oh, and thank you SO MUCH for all the fitting advice on my last post. I will have to work on her stuff next!