Someone is a lucky girl with a cute husband who listened to her complaining about the old camera. So, of course I’ve been annoying everyone by taken a ba-jillion pictures with the new camera. Husband and I went to the zoo the other day and walked around. It’s hard to take pictures in the snow without everything turning out blue. This camera does a great job, I think. The following pictures are unaltered except for some cropping.

Am I the only one that gets creeped out by goat eyes? It has a 20x optical zoom.

My most favorite way to take pictures (with my arm out and big grins).

This is inside with the macro. I used a large aperture, slow shutter speed, and no flash.

Pretty lights. I would have played around more with these lights but it was about 3 degrees out and Momma’s hands were getting cold! If I had had more time, I would have focused on one bulb and set the aperture very small so the other stuff was out of focus. You sort of get the effect I was going for here. You really should click on the photo and see the larger picture.

Here’s my latest project. See the ugly laundry room with crap on floor? The yellow on the wall if from where we removed a cabinet to put in the stacking washer and dryer. It was driving me crazy!

See the new pretty laundry room. The cabinet will be installed in that corner and the crap with go in it. I’m tired of stuff on the floor! We’ll cut a hole in the cabinet in the back for the plumbing to fit through. Doesn’t the new camera take nice pictures? This is a hard color to photograph. I tried with the other camera and it was either very dark with no flash or very shadowy and gray with the flash. I opted for no flash, a low ISO, and let the camera pick the shutter speed, and aperture.

I wasn’t too excited about the wall color when I was first painting it. It seemed too gray which is not what we need in Alaska (can you say 5hours and 30 minutes of daylight today?) but now it’s a cool green-blue which I really like. I think the laminate looks great with this too. I’ve always been sort of so-so on the flooring in my house but the white trim makes it look fantastic!

I painted the ceiling, walls, and trim. Now we just have to put in the cabinet and trim out the window. Oh, and the light, don’t forget the light! We also changed out the hinges on the door because they were awesome brass.

I have actually done quite a bit of sewing. I need to hem stuff and then post about it with my new fun toy!
Oh, and for those that are curious, I did not buy a DSLR. I wanted something that was still pocketable but had all manual controls if I wanted them. I bought the Canon Powershot SX260HS and I think it’s love! I will have to see how it does on my posed tripod garment shots though. Those are the ones with which I seem to struggle the most.
Hope everyone is having a happy holiday season!