I rarely buy Burda envelope patterns. I’ve been a subscriber to Burda World of Fashion or BurdaStyle since 2008. But, when I saw this Burda pattern, I knew this would be a great top for me. Yes, I have the Jalie raglan top, but I really wanted something like View C and I’m no pattern drafter. I also have the Fehr Trade top from Melissa that is very similar. The Fehr Trade tops don’t seem to fit my upper body very well without a lot of tweaks and adjustments. I don’t know what it is, I think Melissa just drafts for a different body type than mine, which is fine. Burda, Jalie, and KwikSew are my go-to pattern companies when I want something to fit with minimal tweaking. This pattern is no exception.
For this top, I made View C, the high, cut-on collar. Once I figure out the changes, this will make a perfect running top in merino wool. I also love View D and View E!! I love me some tunic-length cowl-neck!
I added my standard inch above the bust to make everything lower. The fit is good although it is looser than I thought it would be. Part of the problem might be this fabric. There is plenty of stretch but not much recovery. So, it stretches out and stays stretched out. This is after making breakfast and doing dishes.
I made my standard Burda size 34. That’s one thing I love about the Burda envelope patterns. They go down to 34! Many of the magazine patterns only go down to 36. Also, these include seam allowances. A bonus. I still trace the tissue off in case I want to change sizes later or something.
My typical swayback that I’ve never bothered adjusting or fixing.
I think if I just take a deeper SA from the wrist to the hem, most of the problem will be solved.
Think of all the flatlocking options! This is just photo shopped.
The fashion fabric is long and folds in forming a facing. You sew the SA of the facing and the turtleneck together so everything stays in place. I had no problems with curling or pulling on the facing. It’s really comfortable on. This was Swap Meet fabric. Look how off grain it is!!
A Burda winner. Imagine it in Merino wool. Also, I have oodles of Merino wool to share with you people. Four different colors and a Polartec fabric too! Stay tuned!