Sunday, November 23, 2008

Moving Slowly

Well, Alex won the Jalie pattern. Good for her! I wanted to participate in the contest but am feeling a bit overwhelmed by this wool coat. I don't have too much left to do on it so hopefully I'll be done in a day or two. We had new windows put in our house as part of an energy audit so that has transformed my sewing room into a mess.

This is what I will try to accomplish today.
  • All belt loops on coat.
  • Sew together lining.
  • Attach wigan to sleeves and hem. (Maybe I'll still get this done. It only takes 10-15 minutes for all of it.)

Yea, not much I know but this cold is kicking my butt and my sewing room is a mess. I'll check in later today and update this post. Hopefully I'll be able to cross those things off the list.