Thanks for all the nice comments guys! I'm trying to answer my questions more frequently so you're no left hanging for more than a week. And thanks (?!) for the horrifying stories about your own children who have had ER visits. Yikes!
Here goes:
Imaan has left a new comment on your post "Burda 09-2008-114 Retro Dress/Jumper": I was just about to ask, HOW DO YOU DO this with three kids? And work (cabinbaby)?????I have two under 3, and work full time, and ...just don't seem to find the time!!! any tips? Also, until hubby makes you are sewing space, what are you using?
Imaan: I do a lot in the mornings before the kids get up and I do a lot after the kids go to bed. I'm not really into that housework thing. :) I do the minimum because the kids just wreck it again in 20 minutes.
melissa has left a new comment on your post "Burda 09-2008-114 Retro Dress/Jumper": Fantastic fit! I hadn't even realised this was sized for Petites, how annoying (for me!). Do you think you could share how you did your runner's butt alteration? I haven't got a swayback, but I've noticed my bum is definitely, umm, perkier since I upped my mileage recently and just this week I had to take in a wedge in the CB seam of my TNT trousers for the first time ever, so maybe I should look into this. It's not something I'd heard of before, but from one sewing runner to another, I'd be grateful for a tutorial if you get the chance!
Melissa: I think it is just your standard swayback alteration. The next time I make a pair of pants of a fitted blouse, I'll snap some pictures for you.
sandy has left a new comment on your post "Burda 09-2008-114 Retro Dress/Jumper": I love your brown shoes! Can you tell me who makes them?
Sandy: I'm embarrassed you asked. I got these shoes from LL Bean when I first started as a teacher. This is my tenth year in the classroom. I still like the shoes and they are obviously well-made.
Kristine has left a new comment on your post "Green Pepper Oregon Jacket for Kids": Dawn, where do you get your materials? This is a great tough weather jacket! BTW, I'm putting a small gift in the mail to you Monday!
Kristine: I have the best fabric boutique up here in Anchorage. They don't have a ton of stuff but what they do have is qual-i-ty. It used to be called Three Sisters but it merged with a quilting store. I think it is called Seams Like Home now.
Kat has left a new comment on your post "116 Pieces . . .": Yikes! 116??? What pattern is that again? I'll be sure to avoid it :) . And I thought tailored jackets with over 20 pieces were annoying.
Kat: This is BWOF 11/2006 #138. It only has 58 pieces but I'm making two.
lynn has left a new comment on your post "Bitch Fabric. Really?": Hi Dawn!I have been looking all over for the Bitch Bitch Bitch fabric. Can you tell me where I can get it or do you have it to sell?My girlfriend and I make silly items with it. Recently, we found a yard of it and made snoods for our dog show friends and they loved them and want more. But we cannot find the fabric. Can you help us?Thanks!
Lynn: I don't have any of this fabric only the swatches. That store doesn't have anymore of the fabric either. Sorry! :(
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Snap Press is here . . .": I am interested in purchasing a Snap press, but have no idea what kind of dies or snaps to get. I was looking at and sent 2 emails.....looks like they don't answer email. So I am at a loss it seems. I am interested in sewing from infants to children clothes at present. No diapers yet, but plan to in future. Can someone help. Appreciate it much!
Anonymous: I have the snap press from them and the dies for the size 16 metal snaps. I think they recommend the plastic resin snaps for diapers and smaller size 14 snaps for baby clothing. Here's what I found on their site about the snaps.
"These polyacetal resin preemie snaps (size 14)are ideal for young infant and preemie clothes. Preemie caps (#14) work with size 16 studs and sockets.
Size 18 is a special size. It's cap diameter is between size 16 and 20. It's stud and socket are exactly the same as size 20 snaps. The post on the cap is a bit longer than size 20. The reason I order it is because people like to have size 20 on diaper wings and the less bulky size 16 to touch the baby skin. However, the regular needle on size 16 is not long enough to go through all the layers. Because of the unusual size and it's extra long post, the manufacturer's price for these two is about the same.
Size 20 polyacetal resin snaps are very popular in diaper making. We have more than 20 colors to choose from."
Hope that helps.