Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More on the knockoff

Yesterday I decided I would knockoff this HP dress. It's the Metropolitan Good Times Top, Tunic, and Dress. Here's the line drawing from HotPatterns.

Check out this Simplicity pattern. It's got the yoke, the gathers, and everything. This is one of the few Simplicity patterns I was going to buy a few weeks ago. But, of course, they didn't have it in my size. Now, I'll have to track it down. It's purty darn close. We'll see what I decide to do.

I still have a ton of hand stitching to do on my couture jacket before tomorrow so I'll be scarce today. Although I do want to review the J. Sterns top I made yesterday.

And I know a bunch of you asked what Hot Patterns emailed to me. I don't want to trash them. Suffice it to say it wasn't all that nice and I'll probably never buy a Hot Patterns pattern.